Wanna check out a few blogs I really enjoy?...
The Crafty Crow is great for kids crafts, links, party ideas, games and an occasional giveaway! (like today!)There are great ideas for my little nieces & nephews and I've bookmarked lots of posts for use in my preschool class! Good stuff.
Bad Bird is Andrea Zuill's blog...Her embroidered quilts are amazing! I also so love her drawings...I've not bought any of her prints, but I plan to!! (I love her chickadee-so cute!)
The Toy Society is a project who's purpose is to spread some handmade love around--and asks nothing in return! I love this! How sweet to be going about your day and find a gift left by a stanger just hoping to brighten someone's day! I paticipated in the Christmas drop and plan to do it again as soon as I can pull another little package together.
And...ThreadBanger is full of inspiration, projects and how-to's! Especiallyif you like DIY fashion! (I don't really make clothes, but I like to read and think about it a lot!)
That's jus a few, I love a good blog! Have a nice day all!!
Thanks! I needed some new inspirations. :) I love Bad Birds art, so simple and lovely.
hey have you ever checked out this site? http://www.instructables.com/craft I just found it the other day and they have so much stuff!!
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