Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sometimes I paint

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This seems to be the summer of big projects! Last weeks project: painting my entire classroom. I have my own little building and it really was quite a job. I did have some fantastic help & support, though! A very good friend drug her 2 little ones to the paint store to act as my color consultant & another friend Came with her 4! kids every day-all day to help paint(and then on the weekend & this week, too!)! This same amazing woman has already spent countless hours sorting, cleaning, organizing all my materials, toys , and curriculum! A job that I have been in the process of for 3 years she completed in 2 months! Bring it on, September!!
I now have the most beautiful room in all the school!!
Ongoing summer project: finish all the quilts in my quilt box
This weeks project: clean out a garage
next weeks project: prep classroom for school


~C said...

the two colors look great julia!!! :)

Shalisa said...

This summer is productive!